Program Peningkatan Kapasiti & Kapabiliti Kumpulan Khusus Sarawak (P-PKKKK)
Program Peningkatan Kapasiti & Kapabiliti Kumpulan Khusus Sarawak (P-PKKKK)
The aim of the P-PKKKK program is to elevate the Sarawakian minorities from low-income groups (B40) to a higher income group by providing these youths an opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge in the industries with high-skilled and income jobs.
The students will undergo a period of training which includes theory session, practical session and On-Job-Training (OJT). After completion of their training period, the students are send to OJT postings with our Industry Partners at their location. This is to ensure that the students are well versed in activities and tasks related to their fields after the completion of their training.
The students will obtain certification from various government agencies and bodies to show their competency level.
This program consist of the following courses :
L1 Scaffolding (Basic) Training
L2 Scaffolding (Intermediate) Training
L3 Scaffolding (Advance) Training
Scaffolding Inspector Training
Site Safety Supervisor (SSS) Training
Safety & Health Officer (SHO) Training